We constantly receive applications from artists looking to sign with Foreign Music. We are always excited to see the various musical talent the world has to offer. Please choose a date that works for you at your earliest convenience. Keep in mind that dates can open up or close quickly. If you choose a date and later need to change it, an agent must be notified within 48 hours of your appointment. You will also receive a reminder 48 hours before your appointment. You must respond within 24 hours to the reminder with confirmation that you wish to keep the same appointment date. If there is no response within 24 hours of receiving the reminder, your  appointment will automatically be cancelled. The 30 minute phone call appointment will gather general info about you and your music, and you will be allowed to follow up with questions. An appointment DOES NOT guarantee you will be signed, but it is the initial part of the whole process to becoming a signed artist with foreign music.