Houston, TX Ayra Starr Concert 

On April 30th, the Afrobeat artist, Ayra Starr will be performing at Rise Rooftop in Houston, TX alongside other opening performers. This is a Sunday event you do not want to miss. If you have atleast minimal dance experience, you are eligible to apply below as a dancer for atleast one of the performances that night. This is an opportunity for exposure and access to meet and great with the headliner, Ayra Starr at the end of the night. Below is the application form which must be filled out prior to the rehearsal on Saturday, April 29th. 

The costumes will be customized based on your measurements. All dancers will be dressed uniformly. All tailors working on costumes will need 1-2 days to complete the job. It is a flat rate of $63 that each dancer must pay to take care of the cost of manufacturing the costumes. Once your application has been filled out, your measurements will immediately be sent to the tailor. Payment must be cash only and can be given to the choreographer/artist at rehearsal on Saturday. You will also receive your costumes during rehearsal. Only the measurements that are needed will be listed in the application below.

Houston-April 30th

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