Omo Fest is an upcoming concert/festival. The promo for the festival will be held in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los angeles, and Phoenix on [Sunday, September 17th at 2pm] in their respective places. All individuals selected as extras for front row must fill out the RSVP form below in order to attend. The Sunday shoot will be promo for the concert, meaning any photos and video taken of you can end up on sites like The Shaderoom and Hollywood Unlocked.
Wardrobe :
Some wardrobe will be provided to extras on set, but all extras will also need to bring 2 different attire. Specific details on what each extra should bring will be emailed to each individual.
Friends and Family :
All Extras are expected to take atleast 1 friend of family along. There is no maximum number of friends or family you can take. You must specify the amount. If you choose an amount and later find out you are able to take more individuals than the amount initially stated, you do not need to refill the form again. Instead, email the agent you are in contact with and inform them of the updated number of people you will be taking.